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OERs at KCC: OER Resources

Faculty Guide

We ran the top 50 college LibGuides on OERs through a custom made web scraping script, to see what OER resources were linked the most.

Here's a list of the most linked sources:

Open Learning Initiative is not included in the list above but it is one of the best repositories!

CK12 - also has very helpful open textbooks, digital simulations and more for STEM courses.

Open Stax: Rice Connexions is providing peer reviewed, quality open textbooks. There are some amazing textbooks available here, but some are still in production.
College Open Textbooks: This effort funded by the Hewlett Foundation, seeks to drive adoption of open textbooks. Many of the books shared on this resources are reviewed.
Open Textbook Library: This is the University of Minnesota collection of open textbooks with full reviews.
BC OpenEd a curated collection of open textbooks, many reviewed by British Columbia faculty.
Boundless: Boundless works with experts to compile web-based openly available content into the same general arrangement of textbooks. You can actually search the ISBN for your current textbook and see what content Boundless would use to replace it.
Global Textbook Project: High-level texts hosted or created by the University of Georgia.
Wikibooks: A project of the Wikimedia Foundation, this collection of group written textbooks in a variety of sources follows rules similar to Wikipedia.
Project Gutenberg: Find the full text of classics and public domain works from the first massive ebook creating organization in existence. Nothing fancy here, just files with the full text.

2012 Book Archive - This archive contains mostly entry college level openly licensed textbooks 

The following links also contain openly licensed textbooks and eBooks.


Public Library of Science: An open publisher whose mission is to change the nature of sharing scientific research through open access.
Directory of Open Access Journals: The most comprehensive collection of open access journals in a variety of disciplines. Unfortunately, you can search by journal subject, but not by article subject.

OMICS International - Access over 700+ peer reviewed scientific open access journals 

The following links also contain open access journal articles:

Open Course LibraryThe WA Open Course Library project offers 81 of Washington's most enrolled courses. There are a lot of great readings in these course files. Great community college content Saylor offers full courses online. It can be really helpful to use the reading lists from Saylor to find and organize your courses.
Open Courseware: An independent search engine that indexes open education classes from places like MIT, Yale and UMass.
LearningSpace from Open University: All of the learning materials presented on this site are CC licensed, but don't confuse "Learning Spaces" with the full Open University- their licensing/copyrights are different.
Academic Earth: Find lectures and videos from some of the most respected instructors in the world.

For more Open Courses, visit the following links:

Ted: Inspiring thinkers on a range of subjects present big ideas and lectures on a regular basis- completely CC licensed.
Khan Academy hundreds of short educational videos covering many subjects; especially strong collections in science and math.
PhET Science Simulations: These interactive tools from the University of Colorado at Boulder are mostly CC licensed.
Wikimedia Commons: The thinkers behind Wikipedia bring you images, video and music all openly licensed or in the public domain.
CLIP Information Literacy Tutorials: Find great tutorials on information and research competencies.
HippoCampus: HippoCampus, a project of the Monterey Institute of Technology and Education (MITE), is full of high-quality resources in a variety of subjects. It is aimed at high school and college level users.
Jamendo: Songs by musicians who want to share their music.
Vimeo: A social network of video producers. This is a great place to look for a wide variety of content- some is completely open for redistribution, some is open access.
Critical Commons: A community of people who seek to promote the use of media in teaching. The materials posted here are mostly presented using Fair Use guidelines.

SnagFilms: Free Streaming Online Films

Openclipart - Access openly licenses collection of clip art in public domain

Pixabay - Find, share and use photos, clipart and vector graphics that have been release to public domain.

Other multimedia repositories:


Bozeman Science

Math Open Reference

PBS Learning Media

Moving Image Archive

Learn OutLoud


Academic Earth

Library of Congress Webcasts

Free Sound

Free Music Archive

Pexel: for public domain images of high quality

dig CCmixter


Everything published by the Federal government is free of any copyright restrictions.  The research, reports and websites can be useful resources for classes when creating your own course material.

DATA.GOV - is the central repository for the US Government's open data. The machine readable data setrs contain both raw ans geospatial data in a variety of formats.

  1. A great starting place to search is
  2. Try to search a specific agency's website.  A-Z List of Federal Agencies. Many times these materials are not retrieved with simple Google searches.   Here are some examples of US Federal Databases. 

Homeland Security Digital Library
The Homeland Security Digital Library is a collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management. Topics include maritime, unmanned aerial systems, terrorism, epidemics and many more. - contains comprehensive listings for open data catalogs in the world. The content is curated by leading world open data experts including representatives from local, regional and national governments, international organizations such as the World Bank and numerous NGOs.


SciTech Connect
SciTech Connect is a collection of science, technology, and engineering research information from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Visit the following links to find OERs for your specific discipline:

Saylor guides by subject - These are OER guides by subject/class created for instructors building open courses. Excellent resource.

Google Web Search
Google Scholar Search

Search the web with Creative Commons filtered search engine to find web sites, articles, videos, images, and other resources licensed for sharing.