The easiest way to find books on journalism in the library is by searching in Onesearch (our catalog). Each book listed in the catalog also has a number of subject headings assigned to it. If you click on the subject link for a book, you can find more books on that same subject. If you are looking for a place to begin your research, please consider our journalism reference collection (see below).
Books on journalism will likely be found under some of the subject headings below. Try entering some of the terms below into a search and you'll find many titles. The list here is not exhaustive, but intended to give you a place to start while searching. Subjects with more titles are bolded.
Blogs | Broadcast journalism | Broadcasting -- Law and legislation -- United States | Broadcasting -- United States | Communication |
Communication and Technology | Editing | Editorials | Feature Writing | Foreign News |
Freelance Journalism | Internet -- Social Aspects | Interviewing in Journalism | Interviews | Journalism |
Journalism -- Authorship | Journalism -- Editing | Journalism -- History | Journalism -- Objectivity -- United States | Journalism -- Political Aspects |
Journalism -- Social Aspects | Journalism -- Style Manuals | Journalism -- United States | Journalistic Ethics | Journalists -- Biography |
Journalists -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States | Journalists -- United States -- Biography | Magazine Design | Mass Media | Mass Media and Culture |
Mass Media -- Audiences | Mass Media Criticism | Mass Media -- Influence | News web sites | Newspaper Editors |
Newspaper Publishing | Newspapers | Objectivity | Online Journalism | Periodicals |
Photojournalism | Press | Press and politics | Press law | Press -- United States |
Reporters and Reporting | Sports Journalism |
Television journalists -- United States -- Biography |
If you would like to browse the library's collection, here are some potentially relevant call numbers in the area of journalism.
6th Floor:
7th Floor:
8th Floor:
Below are a few of our specific recommended titles for researchers looking to familiarize themselves with journalism, the media, reporting, broadcast news, and so on. Except where noted, the titles below can all be found in the reference section (2nd Floor, behind the reference desk) of the Library.
Sites created by journalists, for journalists, with links, tools, and educational content.
A few of the many journalist organizations are listed below.
A list of journalism commentary blogs and sites is below.