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Prof. Doreen Bowens Eng 24: Databases

Jonathan Holley Eng 24

Accessing Online Sources

For access from home or another remote location to the electronic journals contained in Kingsborough's A-Z List of Databases, just log in with your CunyFirst username and password. You may use any database you like. Below are a list of some of the databases that are relevant to the topics explored in Prof. Bowens' class. 

How to Devise a Search Strategy

Criminal Justice Databases

The videos above instruct you on how to get started on researching your topic, creating a search strategy using the words And, Or and Not, and using the right information. Kingsborough library has dozens of databases, including the several listed below that provide scholarly articles and other sources for your criminal justice topic. Also below are websites for two organizations that offer statistical and other information on gun violence in the US and around the world.